New Year, New Swimming Lessons

Jan 01, 2021

Whether preparing for your child’s first swimming lesson is a source of joy or minor (or major!) anxiety, you’re bound to have some questions. We’re here to answer the most common first swim lesson questions we get.

What do we need?

-Children 3 and under will need a reusable swim diaper. Huggies Little Swimmers, Pampers Splashers, and other disposable swim diapers are not allowed in the Crawfish Swim School pool. Please see the Swim Diaper Policy for more information.
-Children 3 and up may want goggles. Goggles should fit snugly and securely on your swimmers face and eyes. We do not allow goggles with nose pieces or nose clips as swimmers need to use their nose for proper aquatic breath control.
-All swimmers need their own towel and a change of clothes if you’d like to change before leaving.
-Please tie long hair back or wear a swim cap.
-A snack and/or drink for after swim class. We have a selection of snacks and drinks for parents and swimmers.

Do we need to check in?

-Arrive 10 minutes prior to your class. Check in at the front desk and let us know it’s your first lesson!
-Should we do anything while we wait for our lesson to start?
-Encourage your child to use the bathroom before the lesson begins.
-Towels, clothes and shoes should be left with the swimmer’s parent/caregiver.
-Swimmers should only bring their goggles into the pool with them. There are lockers available for storing personal items.

How will we know it’s our time to swim?

Your swimmer’s instructor will call them to line up by the pool enter door. Their instructor will lead their class through the rinse off showers on the pool deck before sitting down to start class.

Will I be able to watch my child’s swim lesson?

-Yes! Please find a spot in the viewing area where you are comfortable for the duration of your swimmer’s class.
-Please refrain from waving and tapping on the glass. We want to protect the learning environment and make the best use of all instruction time!
-Parents may take pictures and video from the parent viewing area.
-Please do not open the pool doors. If you need your swimmer for any reason please let the front desk know and they can bring them to you in the viewing area.

What if my child is distracted by me in the viewing area?

If your child is distracted by you in the viewing area the staff may direct you to additional seating where you will be more out of view so they can focus their attention on their instructor and all can remain on task.

What happens at the end of the lesson?

Your swimmer’s instructor will bring them into the viewing area at the end of their lesson and give you a quick summary of how their lessons went, what they are working on and what to look forward to next week.

Can we change after our lesson?

-Yes, there are changing rooms and bathrooms to change your swimmer.
-Drinks and snacks are available for purchase through your credit card account on file.
-Swimmers can grab a sticker on their way out!

How long will it take my child to learn how to swim?

It varies from child to child so we do not quote a specific number of lessons or sessions it will take any swimmer to learn to swim. Some swimmers come to the water with bad past experiences afraid to enter the water all where others will come eager to jump right in without hesitation. Some will easily pick up skills and others will struggle with the coordination required to put everything together. Consistency is key to your swimmer learning and continuing their progress whether they are fearful or fearless.

My swimmer is very nervous, what should I expect?

We’d suggest expecting some tears. Talk to your swimmer about swim lessons in the weeks leading up to their first class so they know what to expect. Ask them what they’re nervous about and talk to them about how their instructor is there to help them and keep them safe!

Don’t worry about us! We’re used to helping swimmers through this scary time of entering the water for the first time. It’s likely tougher on you watching them than it is on them experiencing it. If mom or dad needs additional support don’t hesitate to come talk to us at the front desk. You also might be surprised when the mom next to you who’s swimmer is having a great time leans over to say her child acted the same way just weeks before. It is a short phase of being introduced to something new and scary that will pass. When given the opportunity to try scary things your child will build the skills necessary to transform from a timid first timer to a confident swimmer quicker than you’d think!

Have more questions or concerns?

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